
Volume 3[]

It's Brawl in the Family[]

Only a novice would refer to that as a victory. I counted at least three strikes missed.
—Winter, criticizing Weiss Schnee's performance
Silence, you boob!
—Winter silencing Weiss
I don't recall asking about your ranking, I'm asking how you've been. Are you eating properly? Have you taken up any hobbies? Are you making new friends?
—Winter, showing concern for Weiss
I see. So this is the leader you wrote of. How appropriately... underwhelming.
—Winter greets Ruby Rose
Greetings, Ruby Rose. I wish to thank you for taking an interest in my sister.
—Winter greets Ruby more warmly
I wish to inspect them to make sure they are up to my personal standards.
—Winter, asking Weiss to show her to Team RWBY's "quarters"
Bunk... beds?
—Winter's reaction to Weiss' assurance that "the bunk beds only look unstable"
Weiss, it's time for you to go.
—Winter, upon Qrow's mention of Ozpin
If you won't hold your tongue, then I will gladly remove it for you!
—Winter, to Qrow Branwen

Lessons Learned[]

We Schnees are unique. Unlike many, our Semblance is hereditary. But that doesn't mean it will come easily. Your Semblance is like a muscle. The more you practice with it, the stronger it will become. But if you only focus on one aspect of it, if you fail to test the limits of what you think is possible, then you'll never truly grow.
—Winter, to Weiss on their shared Semblance
If this is what you call trying, then you have no hope of winning the tournament, let alone succeeding as a Huntress!
—Winter, to Weiss
Emotions can grant you strength. But you must never let them overpower you.
—Winter, to Weiss
It sounds to me like you have two choices in front of you. You can either call him, beg for his money back, and explain once more why you would want to study at Beacon over Atlas, or you could continue to explore Remnant, discovering more about the world and honestly, more about yourself.
—Winter's advice to Weiss on handling the situation with their father
Until next time, sister.
—Winter's farewell to Weiss.

Volume 5[]

Volume 5 Weiss Character Short[]

I'm not always going to be around to save you, Weiss.
—Winter, after ending a training simulation Weiss failed
You'll have to if you ever want to leave.
—Winter, in response to Weiss promising to improve her skills

Volume 7[]

The Greatest Kingdom[]

A reminder: failure to cooperate with Atlas military personnel is a punishable offense. If your sector is under military lockdown, please ask and report to the city for guidelines. We are here for your safety. Thank you for your cooperation.
—Winter's broadcast, issued to Atlas & Mantle

A New Approach[]

You have ten seconds to take those off before I start hurting you.
—Winter to the guards
You stole an Atlas airship? What were you thinking!? You might've been shot down! How unbelievably irresponsib--
—Winter, before Weiss interrupts her by hugging her


Your technique still has those maddening sloppy touches. But you've learned how to make them work for you. You've made them your own.
—Winter, to Weiss about her Semblance
You've grown up a bit, haven't you? You're not the little girl clinging to the family name anymore.
—Winter, to Weiss
Whatever the case, I am glad to see you've moved on. Distancing myself from the Schnee name is the most beneficial thing I've ever done. We can move forward without him, together.
—Winter, to Weiss about their family name
Ironwood isn't keeping secrets. Not from me.
—Winter, to Weiss about Ironwood keeping secrets
She could pass any day now. Until that happens, I'm the only person Fria's allowed to see.
—Winter, to Weiss about Fria
It did at first, when the General first proposed it to me. But the more I thought about it, the more I saw it as a privilege, a chance to do some real good for Atlas. For Remnant.
—Winter, to Weiss about her reason
Perhaps, but I'm choosing it now. I've made it my own. And I take great pride in it. That has nothing to do with Father, or the General... That belongs to me.
—Winter, to Weiss about her reason on choosing to become the Winter Maiden's successor
I think... I think Father may have just provided the spark that's going to set this kingdom on fire.
—Winter, to Weiss about their father's attempt after watching his speech

Cordially Invited[]

You can't just buy trust like everything else! You have to earn it!
—Winter, to Jacques about trust
I'll be fine. I just let my emotions get the better of me.
—Winter, to Penny after her outburst at the private dinner
No, no, what I mean is, this place holds a lot of memories for me, specifically. I thought I was in control, but... you heard me. I sounded like a petulant child.
—Winter, to Penny about the Schnee Manor
And that is precisely the problem. I should have just stayed in line.
—Winter, to Penny

The Enemy of Trust[]

What are you doing?! My life doesn't matter!
—Winter, to Penny after she saves her
You're not leaving me. I'm giving you a head start.
—Winter, to Weiss after telling her to leave at once

Volume 8[]


Enough! You're Atlas elite, act like it.
—Winter, to Ace-Ops


Fine. We will drop you as close as we can to the monster.
—Winter, to Yang's Group
I outrank you.
—Winter, to Harriet
If you aren't out in time, we drop the payload. No matter what.
—Winter, to Yang's Group


I gave them their window. We can't wait any longer.
—Winter, to Marrow about Yang's Group
Yes, Marrow, because that's my duty. Now you do yours.
—Winter, to Marrow about her duty


Actually that wasn't our payload, sir. I brought it back with us.
—Winter, to Ironwood about the payload they didn't use


You want a collar? Fine.
—Winter, to Marrow while arresting him
I'll throw this traitor in the brig. Where he belongs.
—Winter, to Ironwood about Marrow


No, sir. I don't think that's possible.
—Winter, after trying and failing to dissuade Ironwood from his decision
No. Ironwood's got to be stopped. [...] Because you were about to get killed if I didn't do something.
—Winter, to Marrow about not arresting him and saving him from execution
What I should've done ages ago, getting in touch with my sister. We're going to need help.
—Winter, to Marrow while texting Weiss before they run into Qrow and Robyn

The Final Word[]

You chose nothing. This was a gift.
—Winter, to Ironwood before she defeats him with her new Winter Maiden powers
—Winter, as Weiss falls into the void
You're going to pay, for everything you've done!
—Winter, to Cinder after Weiss falls into the void

RWBY Chibi[]


Now, let's review how your classes have been going. I'll also need you to show me your living quarters to make sure they're up to my standards. I refuse to allow my little sister to stay in any abode that's not up to code. And don't mistake my rhyming for a cheery demeanor.
—Winter, to Weiss upon her arrival

Mortal Frenemies[]

I demand noodles of a delicious nature and in a timely manner.
—Winter, to the Shopkeep
This is unacceptable!
—Winter, after not being able to get her noodles.

About Winter[]

True, but you can't deny her resolve.
Whitley Schnee, when Weiss says he never liked Winter.
Winter is one of my best. If she's telling me there's a threat in Mistral then I am not going to take that news lightly.
James Ironwood, when talking to Jacques Schnee about her reports in Mistral.
I suppose she'd be the only family you have left after tonight.
—Klein, to Weiss about Winter
What's going to make this complicated is when my sister finds out I didn't make it to Mistral. You know my sister, don't you? Winter Schnee? Special Operative of the Atlas Military? She's in Mistral now, and when she hears I'm missing, it won't take her long to find me - and you.
—Weiss, to Vernal about Winter
I'm telling you. My sister can take us to Ironwood.
—Weiss, to everyone aboard the stolen Atlesian airship
I thought you sounded fine. You were just speaking from your heart.
—Penny, to Winter
RWBY/Justice League
Super Heroes and Huntsmen
Minor Characters