Introduction of Weiss Schnee
Has no scar on her eye at the beginning.
Getting ready to dodge the second attack.
Good view of face just before getting hit by the
Arma Gigas' sword
Turning on one foot after sliding across the floor.
No scar can be seen as she twirls to slash the Arma Gigas.
Her face right before the Arma Gigas punches her.
Clouds part from the moon above.
The moonlight begins shining down on her.
Taking an appropriate stance for a retort.
Separates the knight from its sword.
Performing the decisive blow.
The closeup of Weiss' eye as she finishes off the Arma Gigas.
The moment that Weiss lands the finishing blow.
Curtseys for the audience.
Gettin' reeal tired of your nonsense Ruby.
Yelling at Ruby... again.
Really? Make up and forget? Not a chance...
"Like tall, blond, and scraggly over there."
In her nightie wiith her hair down.
"She's a hazard to my health!"
Trying to convince
Pyrrha they should be on the same team.
All according to my plan....
The plan did not account for a tall, blonde, scraggly lad.
Breaking up a potential "problem".
Marching off to the initiation.
The glyph bounces her like a trampoline.
Encounters Ruby in the forest.
Making eye contact with her new partner.
Not interested in getting Jaune down... at all.
"By no means does this make us friends..."
Surprised that Ruby is not slow.
"You may be fast but you still excel in wasting time!"
"Remember your training, Weiss..."
"...slow your breathing, wait for the right time to strike, and..."
Startled by Ruby suddenly appearing in her way.
Redirects her strike with Myrtenaster already glowing red.
Weiss accidentally unleashes fire.
Exhausted, showing less stamina than Ruby
"...if you had exercised even the slightest amount of caution..."
"...I wouldn't have set the forest ON FIRE!"
Arguing with Ruby over communicating during combat.
"Well, congratulations on being the strongest child to sneak your way into Beacon."
"Ruby! This is a terrible idea!"
"How could you leave me??"
Saving Ruby's life via ice wall, to her own annoyance.
Running alongside her soon-to-be-team and another.
Taking cover from the Grimm.
Giving Nora a hand getting away.
Leaping towards a targetted Nevermore.
"Can you make the shot?" "Hmph, can I?"
Casting several Glyphs at once.
"I cannot believe that actually worked."
Team RWBY officially formed.
The rare gem of seeing Weiss' smile.
What in the world is wrong with you?!?
Show of her aristocratic tastes.
Pro-Bunk Beds: two. Anti-Bunk Beds: one.
Team RWBY in school uniform.
"Did you say 9 o'clock?!"
Do not make eye contact, and she will not bother you.
One of them has a sense of humor; one does not.
Unamused Weiss is not amused.
Concentration broken by Ruby.
Reacting to incoming Boarbatusk.
Chased down by spindashing Grimm.
Stopping the Boarbatusk with her Glyph.
Using her Glyph as a stepping stone.
Opponent successfully defeated.
"...not a team led by you."
"I enjoyed your lecture."
Hearing harsh truths of her behavior.
Unknowingly watched by her new leader.
Weiss awakening a wronged friend.
Presenting a ludicrously sugary coffee.
"That's wrong, by the way."
Walking round Vale excited about the upcoming Festival.
Getting under Blake's skin.
Rough landing after collision with Penny.
Wait... You were just... how did you...?!
"No, she seems far more coordinated."
Low-five for Combat Skirts.
Have you seen this rapscallion?
Listening to Blake, with a look of disbelief
Explains her family's history with the White Fang.
A look of surprise after Blake's outburst.
Processing what just happened.
Not so enthusiastic about finding Blake
Here's an idea: Why not go to the police? Penny's here. do you know Blake's a Faunus?
At least she is not clinging to me.
Searching with Yang elsewhere without Ruby or Penny
"The innocent never run, Yang."
Oh Weiss stop faking anger.
Talk to the hand, for this person no longer cares!
"I'm still not quite sure how I feel about you!"