
"Weiss' Dreamscape vs. Dream Actors" is a fight that occurred in "Where You Belong" of RWBY: Ice Queendom, where Negative Weiss, Dream Actor Nicholas, and Dream Actor Jacques round up all escaped dream actors and Jaune Arc within Weiss' Dreamscape.

Preceding Events[]

During the Ramage of giant little Weiss and infected dream actors, Negative Weiss summons armor on the Jacques statue and turns him into Arma Gigas.

The Fight[]

The Arma Gigas Jacques manages to defeat the infected Dreamscape Robots and Big Nicholas turns the giant little Weiss back to normal and sent all of the little Weiss back to prison. Later, Negative Weiss and Arma Gigas Jacques defeat the giant dream actor Nora and Ren in battle, turn them back to normal, and sent them back to prison. Negative Weiss quickly defeats Jaune and sent him and dream actor Pyrrha in the same prison with the other dream residents.


The nightmare starts over ruin the prison and starts trapping every dream residents and freezing them forever. However, Jaune, dream actor Pyrrha, and ten little Weiss manages to escaped thanks to Jaune to uses his second coin to make a marker door.

Image Gallery[]

Battle Pages