

Participants Episode(s) Result
Atlas Huntsmen vs. Centinels "Ace Operatives" Won
Ace-Ops vs. Geist "Ace Operatives" Won
Vine vs. Jaune "Sparks" Won
Vine, Ren and Jaune vs. Sabyrs "Out in the Open" Won
Ace-Ops vs. Team RWBY "With Friends Like These" Lost
Ace-Ops vs. Penny "Strings" Retreated


Prior to the start of the series, Vine graduated from Atlas Academy, enlisting into the Atlesian army and becoming the member of the Ace Operatives specialists.

Following the Fall of Beacon, James Ironwood enlisted Vine, as well as the rest of Ace-Ops, into his secret group with the goal of stopping Salem and her forces through the use of the Amity Communications Tower.


In Mantle[]

V7 01 00087

Ace-Ops arrest Ruby's Group

Vine and his team were called into Mantle because of reports of a stolen Atlesian airship entering its airspace and because of the unauthorized use of weapons by civilians. The culprits were Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Qrow Branwen and Oscar Pine, who defended the city from a pack of Sabyrs. Vine and his team caught them by surprise and seized their weapons before leaving them in the custody of the authorities.

Following the release of their quarries, Vine and the rest of Ace-Ops apologize for the miscommunication, before the students are introduced to Atlas Academy by Penny Polendina.

Episodes Covering These Events

Geist Hunt[]

V7 03 00094

In the mission to the Schnee Dust Company Mine #2, Vine joins Elm Ederne and Team JNPR into the caves. He later defeats the Geist in the caves along with the rest of Ace-Ops.

After the mission, Vine joins Elm and Marrow Amin in congratulating Ruby's Group for their promotion into being fully-fledged Huntsmen, helping train them and to prepare for the Amity project. During their training, Vine noticed Jaune has a large amount of Aura and asked him if he ever considered extending it while leading him to start using Disc Grenades in the process.

Later when Team RWBY wait for lieutenant colonel Olive Harper to find a lead on the orb they found in the tundra, they are tasked with assisting the Ace Operatives with their own missions. Vine attempts to locate three missing artifacts from the Tumak Ruins so they could eventually reopen the site to the public again and asks Team RWBY for help locating them. After they retrieve all three and return them to Vine, he thanks them for their help as they notice he doesn't understand what the artifacts mean himself.[1]

Episodes Covering These Events

A Banquet at Schnee Manor[]

V7 08 00006

Vine later attended the dinner at the Schnee Manor in "Cordially Invited", as one of Ironwood's guests. Vine, along with Elm and Harriet Bree, attended the main party on standby in case Ironwood needed further evidence in defending his seat in the council.

Episodes Covering These Events

Battle of Mantle[]

V7 10 00033

Vine, along with the rest of the Ace Ops and Ruby's Group (bar Oscar) deploy to Mantle in an airship. The flight is interrupted by a pair of Teryxes, who destroy their Manta and forces the group to eject into the city below. In Mantle, Vine teams up with Jaune and Ren where the two of them defend citizens from the Creatures of Grimm. The group faces a pack of Sabyrs, clearing a safe path for citizens.

The group is slowly overwhelmed and tired by the hoards of enemies, causing the people of Mantle to demand to be evacuated to the city of Atlas. broadcast is sent out to all of Mantle and Atlas by Ironwood and Robyn which Ironwood reveals the existence of Salem and links the recent murders in Mantle to her minions Tyrian Callows and Arthur, while Robyn uses her Semblance on him to prove it to all be true. The two encourage everyone to stand together due to Salem's goal being to divide them. Ironwood reveals his plans involving the Amity Communications Tower, claiming it is ready for launch and tells the civilians they will be evacuated to Atlas.

Episodes Covering These Events

Martial Law[]

V7 11 00174

Vine continues to help until they are suddenly called back to Atlas Academy under direct orders from Ironwood, where she assures RWBY that they shouldn't question Ironwood's orders. Team RWBY and the Ace Ops go to Ironwood's office, where he reveals that one of Salem's subordinates left a black queen chess piece on his desk. He begins panicking, questioning if everything that he and the others did was part of Salem's plan. Ironwood questions whether or not Team RWBY really is on his side and asks them how Robyn knew about the Amity Tower project. Yang confesses that she and Blake told her, leading to an argument. The argument becomes more and more heated, and suddenly, a Seer bursts out of Watts' bag, dies, and breaks open to release a smoky apparition of Salem.

Salem proclaims that Watts and Tyrian's mission was not to secure victory, but rather to set the stage for Salem herself. She then attempts to convince Ironwood to surrender but is soon distracted by Ruby delivering a speech about how they learned the truth about her from the Relic of Knowledge and will still stop her even without killing her. Salem tells Ruby that Summer Rose once said those same words but was proven wrong, causing Ruby to break down crying with her silver eyes flickering and flaring.

The Salem apparition disappears, and Vine begins to worry, especially upon realizing that the proximity alarms along the coast near Atlas are inactive. Blake asks about the readiness to launch the Amity Tower, but Yang realizes that Ironwood just said that to lure out Watts. Ironwood then explains that he intends to raise the City of Atlas into the atmosphere instead of Amity Tower. There, the city, the two Relics and the Winter Maiden will be safe from Salem. Team RWBY protests that this plan would mean leaving people in Mantle to die due to the evacuation not being complete, but Ironwood refuses to reconsider.

Suddenly, Jaune opens a group call with Ruby, Qrow and Winter. Taking the opportunity, Ruby uses her Semblance to get past Ironwood and warn the others about his plan. Ironwood locks communications, declares that Team RWBY are under arrest, and leaves while the Ace-Ops get ready to detain them.

V7 12 00046

Vine and Elm vs Blake and Yang

As RWBY and the Ace Ops prepare to fight, Marrow hesistantly asks Harriet if their plan really is to fight. Harriet insists they'll let RWBY decide, and the Ruby initiates a battle. Ruby bursts out of the room, causing Harriet to chase her in anger. Vine teams up with Elm to battle Blake and Yang, where the ladder eventually traps Blake. Vine tries to talk Yang into surrender, promising nobody will be hurt, causing Elm to snap at him to speak for himself, personally feeling betrayed by RWBY. Yang snides that Elm shouldn't care because of her orders, enraging her into dropping Blake and exasperating Vine. Elm tosses Blake aside and forces Vine to re-strategize.

V7 12 00143

Elm tries to psyche herself (and Vine) into letting go of their restraint and bonds to RWBY, but fails to do so. She and Vine's lack of communication and support leads to their defeat. After being rendered unconscious, Team RWBY then ties Vine and the Ace Ops to their Gravity Bolas, and leave them in Ironwood's office.

After Clover's fight with Tyrian Callows, Vine and the remaining Ace Ops grieve over their former friend with Ironwood and Winter. When Sleet and Camilla arrive in a rage at Ironwood's decision, the Ace Ops are shocked to see their leader kill the councilman.

V8 03 00139

Ace Ops vs Penny

When Ruby, Weiss, Lie Ren, Nora Valkyrie, and Penny arrive breach the Atlesian Command Center, the Ace Ops confront the group under orders to capture Penny. The five of them confront the group in a large room, where Vine and Marrow attempt to talk Penny into coming with them and surrendering the Relic of Creation to Ironwood for safekeeping. Harriet and Elm accuse Penny of stealing the Winter Maiden powers from Winter Schnee, depriving her of her destiny, and goad Penny into fighting alone. Penny is eventually subdued, but when the heroes attack the Ace Ops, they lose control of her. Ironwood starts to order reinforcements, but Watts stops him, ordering the Ace Ops to swipe one sword loose from Floating Array. Completing this goal, the Ace Ops retreat with the weapon, and reunite in Ironwood's office.

As Ruby begins to send out a broadcast to the world about Salem, the Relics, the Maidens, and the ongoing situation in Atlas, Harriet angrily switches off the screen that which the rest of the Ace Ops and Ironwood were watching it. During the speech, Watts switches out a chip in Penny's sword, hacking her and causing her signal to disappear. After being told Penny was likely rebooting, Ironwood angrily throws his Scroll at Watts, leading to the Scroll becoming broken. He then orders Winter Schnee to take the Ace Ops and search for Penny. As he leaves the room, he tells Harriet and Marrow to take Watts back to his cell, and the two fail to notice Watts picking up Ironwood's broken Scroll after casually turning off the computers.

Episodes Covering These Events

Battle of Atlas[]

Vine is later part of the taskforce assigned with finding Penny and is present when the Ace Ops captured Jaune, Ren and Yang. On the way back to Atlas, Vine witnesses Monstra unleashes hordes of Grimm towards the Kingdom's defense line when orders come in from General Ironwood about delivering a payload into the creature to stop it from producing more Grimm. Vine remains quiet in the the debate that happens though when looked at by Ren has green petals floating around him. After Winter allows Jaune, Ren and Yang to leave and scout out the creature whilst looking for Oscar, Vine takes up position with the others to hold the line against the Grimm whilst waiting for the payload, dispatching Grimm with his Semblance. Once the payload arrives Vine assists with transporting it towards Monstra when a kinetic strike hits the creature destroying. He tries to rest his hand on Elm as a gesture of comfort upon hearing Marrow's concerns for Jaune, Ren and Yang still being inside at the point of destruction. Vine returns to Atlas Academy with the others and learns of Cinder's attack and the escape of Watts and Qrow.

He is later present in the debate over Ironwood's ultimatum, stating it to be necessary to get the kids to cooperate. He falls back in line after Marrow is arrested by Winter for his betrayal.

Episodes Covering These Events

Treason in the Ranks[]

V8 12 00032

The Ace-Ops are restrained by Marrow.

Vine would later be present with Ironwood, Harriet and Elm outside the academy waiting for Penny but would receive new orders of capturing Qrow after Ironwood learns of his location. Like Harriet and Elm he was frozen by Marrow's Semblance when they went to attack Qrow and Robyn. Following an explosion caused by a hacked AK-200, Harriet escaped with the bomb, Vine latched onto the ship with his Semblance.

V8 13 00140

Vine attempts to talk Harriet out of bombing Mantle.

After entering the ship, Vine was confronted by Harriet and ordered to keep watch for a tail as she prepared to use the bomb. Vine would stop her, believing this to be the wrong course of action now that Ruby has used the staff and that the General is no longer in charge. Harriet snaps at Vine telling him is about the principle and loyalty something Clover understood. Vine replies that maybe Clover was wrong, upsetting Harriet. He realized Clover meant a lot to Harriet but before he can comfort her, Robyn rams her ship into theirs causing it to lurch, opening up a window for Harriet to eject Vine out of the rear hatch, despite holding with his Semblance, Harriet is able to kick him off the rear ramp and Vine grabs onto the rear of the ship with his Aura Vines prompting Robyn to pull back to help him.

Episodes Covering These Events


V8 14 00072

Vine sacrifices his life to save his friends.

Vine whilst being held by Elm and her Semblance, grapples onto the ship and tries to talk Harriet out of bombing Mantle. He reacts with shock then relief as the bomb stops sliding out of the ship getting caught on a part of ship however Watts remotely activates the bomb and Harriet realizing there's not enough time to clear the blast radius fears she's killed them all but Vine jumps over to the ship and lifts Harriet down to Elm. When Elm says to him "You can't" Vine replies with "I can if it means saving all my friends." After Qrow leaves, Vine creates several Aura vines that form into a bubble around the ship whilst the others retreat and watch on as the bomb detonates safely contained by Vine's Semblance.

Episode Covering These Events


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Super Heroes and Huntsmen
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