
So, not too long ago one of my better friends picked up Hearthstone and, almost instantly, he started pressuring me to get it too. Thing is, my laptop was only slightly better then disfunctional - Battlenet, the Blizzard distribution-service, would load to around 3% and then crash, every time (For some reasn, I never had any problems with Steam). So I actually couldn't play it for the longest time. 

Well, enter Christmas. One of my relatives knew about my laptop-stiuation and was beyond kind - they got me a new one. Now, it's no gaming PC, but it's new, and works like it should, and that's all I really needed.

So, I told my friend and withen the week he got on me again about Hearthstone. It didn't bother me - I actually wanted to play the game - it had just been weeks since we last even talked about it, and I had all but forgotten.

So, yesterday I picked up the game, everything worked fine, and I spent a good hour and a half unlocking the various characters and leveling up untill my friend got on. I got a quest - Play a multiplayer game, get a free card pack. So I booted up arena for the first time (As I had no confidence in my custom deck, and Arena gives you random cards). With my luck, the second I find a player, my friend gets on. He decided to spectate the game and give me advice through chat.

I was completely crushed. Hey, it was my first game against a human :p

...But the I remembered I get free cards! So I went in and opened the pack.

Well, even though I lost, apparently I did something that game that made Blizzard love me, because after I finished, this happened.


Golden Legendary Dragon. For people who don't know Hearthstone, that also means "rarest and best class of card in the game". Because I totally deserved that and such. 

Me and my friend played a few matches after that - and even though he's an expirenced player, this thing is so good that I actually won a few. 

So, day one of Hearthstone incuded what amounted to a Rocky-style training montage, getting beat up by a better boxer, getting rewared with adamantium boxing gloves, and beating my friend with them.

Overall verdict - Dragon / 10, would Dragon again. 


I guess I should round off my rambling with something RWBY related... You guys think we'll get another WOR-type series this year? If so, what would you want the Episodes to be on? I'd personally like one on The War.
