Why, friend, my name is Tyrian. And I'm afraid that is not possible. My assignment from Her Grace was to retrieve this young girl. So, that is what I must do. One does not upset the Queen.
But-but hope is not lost! My tail, my stinger... I-I poisoned him, Qrow! He would not be a nuisance to you any longer, no... no longer! Have I done well? Have I pleased you?
All you ever learned was pain and violence, and now you're too afraid to leave it. Such a tragedy.
—Tyrian, to Mercury
Children, please... If you're not loving what you're doing, then you're in the wrong field.
—Tyrian, to Mercury and Emerald
To say farewell. There's been a change in plans. Her Grace must act swiftly if we are to prevail. If General Ironwood comes to his senses and calls upon aid from Vacuo, all may be lost for us! And so the good doctor and I are being sent to Atlas... to prepare.
—Tyrian, to Emerald and Mercury about the plan to go to Atlas with Watts
Do what makes you happy, children... please? I'm begging you...
Salem is destruction incarnate! Our mistress wishes to see the end of it all! There is no ideal more beautiful. If you couldn't see that from the start, you must be out of your mind...
Tyrian Callows was accused of murders all across Anima. A homicidal maniac who escaped justice when his prison transport was attacked by Grimm. After that, he was never seen again.
—Winter Schnee, about Tyrian's background and his crimes
Well, he works for Salem and he's here.
—Ruby, to everyone about Tyrian's connection with Salem