I said… I wasn't done with you yet!
—Yang, to the Jabberwalker

"Team RWBY and Jaune vs. Jabberwalker" is a battle that takes place in "The Parfait Predicament" of Volume 9 between Team RWBY and the Jabberwalker Clones.

Preceding Events[]

Team RWBY creates the parfait right as fireworks start. These fireworks indicate that the Jabberwalker is approaching, and they manage to collect the nose hairs for the Growgurt Parfait. They quickly create it, and eat some. They find out that this isn't enough. The Jabberwalker charges at them, and Ruby tries to maneuver around it using her semblance. The parfait spills. The Jabberwalker quickly grows larger from the previously mentioned spill of parfait.

Hawker buys Team RWBY some time; just before the Jabberwalker blocks the team's path. The Rusted Knight charges at the Jabberwalker; hitting it in the process. This give WBY enough time to eat enough to grow larger.

The Fight[]

The fights starts with the group charging at the Jabberwalker. The Curious Cat tells Ruby to follow him. The Rusted Knight starts by hopping across the Jabberwalker's head. The Jabberwalker tries to retaliate, but is interrupted by one of Weiss's glyphs. This glyph pulls the Jabberwalker to the floor. The Jabberwalker tries to attack Weiss with its tail, although the tail is trapped by Gambol Shroud. Yang hops on top of the Jabberwalker, and pull the its ears. She repeatedly punches it's ears with Ember Celica, and Weiss uses Myrtenaster to raise the Jabberwalker in the air.

Image Gallery[]

Battle Pages