
Volume 1[]

The Stray[]

A no-good stowaway would have been caught. I'm a great stowaway!
—Sun, mocking the sailors
I knew you'd look better without the bow.
—Sun, to Blake Belladonna

Black and White[]

Finally, she speaks! Nearly two days and you gave me nothing but small talk and weird looks! Yeah, like that.
—Sun, to Blake
Stupid holier-than-thou creeps who use force to get whatever they want.
—Sun, to Blake about the White Fang
Weren't you part of a cult or something?
—Sun, to Blake
Leave her alone.
—Sun, to Roman Torchwick

Volume 2[]

Best Day Ever[]

I know, we were fighting side by side. She was super fast and I threw a banana at the guy, which sounds gross, but it was awesome.
—Sun, to Neptune Vasilias regarding Blake
I love these guys.
—Sun, in the aftermath of Team RWBY and Team JNPR's food fight

Welcome to Beacon[]

Ruby, Yang, Blake... Ice Queen.
—Sun, to Team RWBY
Shut up. Don't be a nerd.
—Sun, to Neptune

A Minor Hiccup[]

I climb trees all the time!
—Sun, to Weiss Schnee
Psh! That's dumb! You should always get friends involved!
—Sun, to Team RWBY

Painting the Town...[]

Always sunshine and rainbows with you...
—Sun, to Blake
So, you wouldn't happen to have, oh I don't know, some form of backup?
—Sun to Blake, while they run from the Atlesian Paladin-290
They got a robot, and it's big, really big! That Torchwick guy's in it. But not like, it didn't eat him... he's, like, controlling it or something!
—Sun, Giving the lowdown to Team RWBY and Neptune while running with Blake
—Sun, to Neptune


So I hear there's this dance going on this weekend. Sounds pretty lame, but you and me I'm thinking not as lame, huh?
—Sun, inviting Blake to the dance

Burning the Candle[]

Hey, I may have moved to Mistral, but I grew up in Vacuo. It's not exactly a shirt-and-tie kind of place.
—Sun, to Neptune; Ruby; Weiss and Yang Xiao Long
Stupid, Dumb, Neck Trap.
—Sun, about his tie

Search and Destroy[]

We normally go to the city with you guys, which usually means stuff's exploding and junk, so we thought this might be a better way of checking out the kingdom when it's... you know... normal.
—Sun, to Team RWBY


Nobody move! Junior detectives!
—Sun, arriving at the Grimm invasion with Neptune

Volume 3[]

New Challengers...[]

Ignore him, for he... Yeah, he's dumb.
—Sun, about his Neptune
What are you talking about? There's nothing to lock down!
—Sun, to Neptune asking him to help fight Team NDGO

End of the Beginning[]

Look, guys. That giant Grimm keeps circling the school. Even the White Fang are pulling out. We all have to go. Now!
—Sun, to Ruby, Weiss, Ren and Nora
—Sun, after Ruby and Weiss leave to fight

Volume 4[]

Of Runaways and Stowaways[]

My hero!
—Sun, after Blake catches him
Nope! This is going to be great! Never been to Menagerie before! It'll be a regular journey to the east! Yeah, I like the sound of that.
—Sun to Blake, with a bit of allusion


You guys have nothing to worry about. I've seen your daughter in action before! And trust me, she's got some moves!
—Sun, about Blake
I, uh. Well, you see, sir. It's just that, you know, she's such a good fighter and all. And, uh, as a fellow fighter, I have a lot of respect for that. And her fighting, but also for her. But because we're fighters, not her looks. I mean, not to say she's not good looking. She is, very, or... slightly? She's definitely above average.
—Sun to Ghira Belladonna, trying to clean up his previous statement
So... those guys were creepy.
—Sun, about Fennec and Corsac Albain

A Much Needed Talk[]

D'yuh! Whoa! This isn't the bathroom! Uh, I'll just be going! Sorry to interrupt this tender family moment!
—Sun, to Blake and Ghira Belladonna
The White Fang is evil, I totally called it, and I'm bringing your daughter back!
—Sun, to Kali Belladonna just before he joins Blake in chasing a White Fang spy

Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Back[]

Give it up! I'm not above hitting a girl, you—
—Sun, to Ilia Amitola before dodging her weapon

Taking Control[]

You think you're being selfless, but you're not. Yeah, that chameleon friend of yours got me pretty good. But I'd do it all again if it meant protecting you. And I can promise Yang would say the same. You can make your own choices, sure. But you don't get to make ours. When your friends fight for you, it's because we want to. So stop pushing us out. That hurts more than anything the bad guys could ever do to us.
—Sun, to Blake

Volume 5[]

Haven's Fate[]

Nah, it's a volunteer gig. I'm just sayin', for someone who claims to have such great friends, there doesn't seem to be a lot of people here willing to fight for you.
—Sun, to Adam Taurus

Volume 6[]

Argus Limited[]

Seeing you reunited with the rest of Team RWBY really made me realize something - I'm like the worst team leader ever. Me and the boys were cool with a little hiatus, but we gotta make up for lost time. Shade Academy's not dealing with any problems like Haven right now. Plus, that means I can show the guys around my old stomping grounds!
—Sun, to Blake about his leadership with Team SSSN
Look... despite the drama and the fighting and the numerous attempts on my life, I had a lot of fun! But you're with who you're supposed to be now.
—Sun, to Blake about his adventure when he was with her
You're still working a lot of things out, I know. But you can do it with them. And in the future, who knows? I've got a feeling you haven't seen the last of me.
—Sun, to Blake
It was never about that, brainiac. Besides, now that your leader's back and hardened from battle, I've gotta focus all of my time into getting you boys ready for the wastelands!
—Sun to Neptune, on not following Blake out of affection

RWBY: Before the Dawn[]


I'm tired of running. We should pick a place and stay there. Keep the Grimm out.
—A seven year old Sun, to his cousin, Starr Sanzang

RWBY: Amity Arena[]

Sun's out with his guns out!
—Sun upon being deployed
When walking through town, one may hear Sun monkeying around, causing trouble and playing pranks on people with a squad of... himself. Though a bit rough around the edges, Sun is a kind as his abs are hard. "Nobody moves! Junior detectives!" -Sun
RWBY: Amity Arena

RWBY: The Official Manga[]

Chapter 6[]

Sorry 'bout that. I just didn't have the cash on hand. Put it on my tab, 'kay?
—Sun, to the restaurant employee
Whoa, who are you?! So speedy.
—Sun, to Ruby
I say you look better without the ribbon. Wanna tell me what's troubling you? My new Faunus friend?
—Sun, to Blake

Chapter 7[]

Don't you wanna catch those Dust robbers... To prove your comrade's innocence? I've got info that could help. Heh. That got your attention, huh? I'm a master eavesdropper
—Sun, to Blake
I'm the type who can't abandon someone who's down in the dumps. Is that so weird? And if the problems us not knowing each other, then why not throw me a bone and tell me about yourself? As partners in crimes.
—Sun to Blake, suggesting to be partners

Chapter 8[]

You gotta be kidding me... You girls think we stand a chance here?
—Sun, to Blake and Ruby
Me? I came here from Mistral to join the whole Vytal Festival. Nice to meetcha.
—Sun, to Weiss

Chapter 9[]

Get this-One of 'em's the sneakiest Faunus you ever did meet. Oops. I think she wants to keep that a secret, though.
—Sun, to Neptune about Blake being a Faunus
C'mon, man! We're representing Haven here! You gotta show some energy!! And these girls are real warriors. I can't emphasize that enough.
—Sun, to Neptune about Team RWBY
As a fellow faunus, I can't let this White Fang business stand. and like I told ya, I have a hard time not' sticking my neck out for a friend, Blake.
—Sun, to Blake

Chapter 11[]

Shouldn't villainous bad guys... Try to be a little more sneaky with their evildoing?!
—Sun, to Roman
So, what? We're both s'posed to die out here?! Don't sweat it. If nothing else, I'm a pro at running away from stuff. So get outta here and bring your pals back to help.
—Sun disussing his plan to Blake
I'm ready from payback from that other time. Are you? Well, you clown?
—Sun, to Roman about how he almost kill him

About Sun[]

Ignore him, for he knows not what he says.
—Neptune, about Sun's lack of knowledge about formal attire
...that boy you brought home loves to run his mouth.
—Kali, to Blake
Jury's still out on that one, but I'm leaning towards earnest.
—Blake to Sun, on a word he personifies
You keep assuring me your friend isn't a complete waste of space! Let's see him prove it.
—Ghira to Blake, telling her to let Sun and him handle Corsac and Fennec
RWBY/Justice League
Super Heroes and Huntsmen
Minor Characters