"Schnee Manor vs. Grimm" is a battle that occurred in "Dark", where The Hound, a Cenitaur, and Centinels arrive at the Schnee Manor in search of Penny Polendina.
Preceding Events[]
At Schnee Manor, Klein Sieben tends to Nora Valkyrie, who awakens just as Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna and Whitley Schnee rush a badly-damaged Penny into Weiss's room. Klein isn't sure whether he can adequately repair the damage, but will do what he can. However, at that moment the power goes out. May Marigold, on her way back to the Mantle Crater to help the refugees, calls them to confirm that Atlas just took another major hit. Ruby apologizes that they aren't doing more to help, but May tells her not to beat herself up, saying she doesn't know how much help they are able to give, at this point.
An intoxicated Willow Schnee joins them, revealing the Schnees have a backup generator on their estate. Whitley suddenly remembers that the SDC has dozens of cargo ships on standby due to Ironwood's Dust embargo. If piloted by the Snow Shoe Shipping drones, they can be used to transport the refugees to safety, as long as Whitley can gain access to Jacque Schnee's computer.
The Fight[]
Ruby and Blake rush to the edge of the grounds to activate the generator. Ruby worries that it won't work, as nothing else has so far, and Blake comforts her, telling her how she inspired Blake to keep doing anything even if what was to be done was unknown. The generator activates, however Blake's cheerful mood is shattered when she sees the silhouette of the Hound looming behind Ruby. As it attacks, she calls Weiss to warn her. Weiss rushes to help her teammates as Whitley unlocks Jacques' computer.
The Hound throws Ruby out of the building, and Blake tries to divert the Hound while Ruby prepares to use her silver eyes. The Hound, however, knocks Blake away, and, snarling, "Take...the...girl", it lunges at Ruby, knocking her unconscious and damaging her Aura. It attempts to fly away with her, but Blake tethers it to the ground with Gambol Shroud as Weiss arrives. She calls Klein, ordering him to keep everyone else together and calm. Willow, however, loses her nerve when she drops her glass of vodka, and flees the room. At the same time, Penny re-activates as her hacked persona tries to take over, though she tries to fight it using her Maiden Powers.
Weiss tries to use her Summons, this time with a Nevermore, but she and Blake are attacked by a group of Centinels, forcing them to let the Hound go. As it lifts off, however, it notices the glow from Penny's powers inside the manor. Ruby, having regained consciousness, notices its behavior and yells that the Hound is after Penny, not her. The Hound flies toward the Manor, dropping Ruby and knocking her unconscious again, breaking her Aura completely. Having killed the Centinels, Blake sends Weiss to help the others, but as she approaches Ruby, a Cenitaur bursts from the ground and attacks her.
In the manor, Penny shifts between her normal persona and Arthur Watts' hacking. Nora reaches out to her from her bed, saying no one will make Penny do something she doesn't want to. Penny claims a part of her is making her, but Nora calms her down by repeating Blake's words to her. Weiss calls Klein again, telling him to keep everyone quiet, but Klein warns her that Whitley and Willow haven't returned yet.
Willow has gone to find more vodka, but ultimately smashes the bottle instead. Meanwhile, The Hound has broken through the manor's front window. Willow uses the cameras she hid around the manor to track The Hound, which is following Penny's scent. As Weiss enters, Willow warns her just in time as the Hound attacks from above. Weiss dodges just in time to avoid being crushed, but the Hound still throws Weiss into the piano, which depletes some of her Aura. Weiss recovers and launches chunks of ice at the Hound with her Semblance, but it evades her counterstrike and runs down a second-floor corridor. Weiss tells Willow to keep tracking the Hound so she can kill it. Willow agrees and tells Weiss its location, but becomes horrified when she sees it approaching Jacques' office. She calls Whitley, who ignores her, but The Hound enters the room forcing Whitley to hide behind the desk. The Hound cannot see Whitley but terrifies him by saying that it knows he's there, and just then the sounds of Jacques' computer give him away. Just as it is closing in on him, Willow summons a huge Boarbatusk that pins it to the wall, giving Whitley just enough time to type the command launching the evacuation fleet. The enraged Hound breaks free and chases after them, gaining rapidly, but it is suddenly stopped by a wall of ice; Weiss has come to her family's aid. The Hound begins to claw its' way through the ice, and Weiss summons her Arma Gigas to battle it, telling her mother and brother to go.
Back on the grounds, Blake is having difficulty against the Cenitaur. She blocks and parries its melee attacks but it sprays jets of acid at her, forcing her to keep her distance. She calls to Ruby, saying she and the rest of the team need her back. She continues dodges its attacks with her Semblance, using fire and ice clones to take the hit. However, the Cenitaur uses one of the ice clones to intercept Blake's counterstrike, knocking her down and snaring her in its' claws. Just as it's about to kill her, Ruby cuts it down from behind with Crescent Rose. She helps Blake up, just as a scream comes from Schnee Manor; Penny's hacking is taking control again. In the hallway, the Hound has just managed to break its' head through Weiss' ice wall, but when it hears Penny's scream, it turns and runs in her direction. Knocking Klein aside, Penny strides out of Weiss' room and toward the entrance hall, passing the Schnees. When Whitley questions what she's doing, Penny says she must open the Atlas Vault, then self-terminate. However, she is interrupted by The Hound, which tries to seize her. When Penny fights back, The Hound sprouts a third arm, grabs her head and bashes her against the floor, shutting her down again. As Ruby and the rest of her allies arrive, The Hound lifts Penny like a shield, holding it's claw threateningly against her neck. However, Ruby has had enough, and activates her silver eyes, blasting the Grimm through the window. Penny topples down the stairs, unconscious, and Ruby, Blake and Weiss gather around her.
Suddenly, The Hound's arms reach slowly back up through the broken window, followed by its body with the head blown off, and where its neck should be is the face of a very scarred silver-eyed Faunus. Repeating the same phrase, "Take...the...girl!" with increasing intensity, it staggers down the steps toward them. Ruby, Weiss and Blake are too stunned and horrified to fight back at first, and simply drag Penny backward. As The Hound approaches, parts of its Grimm head begins to regenerate. However, on the stairs above, Whitley and Willow push against a giant suit of armor and sword mounted against the rail. Just as The Hound is fully regenerated and preparing to lunge at Penny again, the armor and sword come crashing down on it, killing the creature at last. Ruby falls to her knees in horror. When Weiss asks what The Hound was, Ruby murmurs, "It was...a person." When The Hound's flesh crumbles into dust, the skeleton of its Faunus host is left behind.
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