
"Pyrrha, Nora, and Ren vs. Nightmare" is a battle that occurred in Jaune's Dreamscape. It was depicted in A Nightmare Comes from RWBY: Ice Queendom. It was not portrayed or referenced in the main series and was original to Ice Queendom.

Preceding Events[]

After Jaune becomes infected by the Nightmare, Shion Zaiden decides to send the rest of Team JNPR into his dreams to save him using their Semblance Dream. Somewhere in the core of Jaune's dreamscape, Jaune went into a fetal position as he continues being mocked by talking armor, sword, and shield about him. He gets taking over by his negative counterpart of a child with rabbit ears and tail as he begged his older sister to save him while crying.

The Fight[]

Pyrrha, Nora, and Ren manage to take down the Nightmare off-screen. Pyrrha launches her Miló and Akoúo̱ at the Grimm and frees Jaune from its influences.


After the Nightmare leaves Jaune's dreamscape, Negative Jaune disappears and Jaune changes back to his old self and is reunited with his team. As the Nightmare leaves Jaune's body, Shion captures it and puts it in a capsule.

Image Gallery[]



Battle Pages