You know... the weirdest part is how it feels. Leaving home is crazy. Going to the city is crazy. Everything you've told me is completely crazy. But it doesn't feel crazy anymore. It feels like I'm doing the right thing.
I'm... scared. I'm more scared than I've ever been in my life, than I ever thought was possible. I always knew that I wanted to be more than a farmhand, but this? Who would ask for this?
—Oscar expressing his fear to Ruby
How can you be so confident?! People have tried to kill you! The world's about to go to war all over again! How are you okay with any of this?!!
You know sometimes the burden of saving the world feels overwhelming. But then people like that come along and make me grateful that it's our jobs and not theirs.
No, it's okay. These past few days, I've been scared of the same things you were. I don't know how much longer I'm going to be... me. But I did some thinking, and I do know that I want to do everything I can to help with whatever time I have left.
Well, I can tell you what I think. The path you're heading down where you're the only one with the answers, where you do the thing you think is right no matter the cost, it's not going to take you anywhere good.
—Oscar, to Ironwood
Some things matter more, I think. Keeping our humanity. It's what makes us different from her.
—Oscar, to Ironwood about protecting humanity and their difference compared to Salem's
I do believe in you, but not only you. I think the best thing you could do is sit down and talk with the people you're most afraid to.
The panic you were worried about? It's already happening. The secrets you're keeping? They're about to be in the open anyway. It's time. Tell the truth.
—Oscar, to Ironwood
We're sorry we kept it from you, too. We didn't know who to trust. I figured you should know before you make any… sacrifices.
—Oscar, after telling Ironwood the truth about Salem
He'd be proud of you. You're bringing the hope that Atlas was meant to inspire. A city in the sky is held to a higher standard.
If you abandon Mantle, you abandon our best chance of reuniting the world. You abandon Remnant, leaving millions to fend for themselves so a few can survive. What kind of--
—Oscar, to Ironwood before he is interrupted
Then you're as dangerous as she is, James.
—Oscar, believing Ironwood is now too far gone
That power, these memories… You're back, aren't you? You saved me.
It should not be this hard getting people to just cooperate.
—Oscar, while escorting civilians to the crater
I'm not upset that you left. I'm upset you came back. I started to feel like me. Not the same me I was before all of this, but… the me I always wanted to be. I felt… like I was actually part of the team.
—Oscar, to Ozpin
It's all the negativity. Salem's forces aren't moving in, but it's enough to start attracting the stragglers.
No, it'll be even worse. He's holding back with me. I can tell.
—Oscar, to Ozpin about Hazel
Salem, she knows she can't take on the whole world at once. So she doesn't. She has her followers work their way in sabotaging us from the inside out. (with Ozpin) Maybe we should do the same.
I thought the idea of falling through Remnant into a new world was exciting. I never understood why she was so sad when she finally made it back home. But now it makes more sense.
—Oscar, to Ozpin about "The Girl Who Fell Through the World"
No, I don't like what happens when we use magic. Every time we use it, I can feel us merging faster. I'm not ready for that.
—Oscar, to Ozpin about his hesitance to use magic
You sure he'll be okay on his own?
—Oscar, to Emerald Sustrai about Hazel while disguised as him
You don't have to forgive her. You have every reason to feel that way. Just maybe give her a second chance. We've already gotten quite a bit of help today from someone we don't exactly trust right now.
—Oscar, to Yang's group about Emerald
I know how you feel, but he saved my life. When we were tortured, he took it. So I wouldn't have to. He entrusted me with this. And the massive amount of power he had stored up in it. Kinetic energy that he spent lifetime after lifetime accumulating in the cane he built.
—Oscar, defending Ozpin
I've seen what you can do, Emerald. However this fight ends, we could really use someone like you.
Can we please just give each other a chance? Emerald's not with Salem anymore, and Ozpin is back. All of this doubt and worry and distrust, it isn't getting us anywhere.
There's something else to consider. Once the Staff creates anything else, the city drops. Atlas has enough natural Gravity Dust to keep it from plummeting immediately, but, well… nobody's going to want to be around when it touches down.
—Oscar, about the dangers of using the Staff of Creation