Promotional material of the young Maria Calavera's (Grimm Reaper) concept art for RWBY: Amity Arena
Promotional material for the Maria Calavera release
Promotional material of Maria and Tock by
_damu04Maria in the RWBY: Amity Arena Cinco De Mayo 2020 Update promo
Promotional material of Maria Calavera for RWBY ARCHIVES Remnant Promenade Vol. 1-8
Promotional material of Maria C. (Young) for RWBY ARCHIVES Remnant Promenade Vol. 1-8
Uncertain of their chances with the commander
"I wouldn't exactly call us... friends."
"Now, now, let's not give up hope yet... maybe she's dead!"
Does not approve of Ruby's intervention
Annoyed at Qrow turning to booze yet again
"You know, I came out here to avoid the yelling."
"You know, you don't give yourself enough credit."
"I only knew him as an old soldier, excellent teacher."
"He found so little, in fact, that it made him cautious."
Demonstrating her Semblance
Explaining how Silver Eyes are employed.
Listening to how Ruby's eyes reacted to Cinder
Not tolerating any doubts about her
Talks in the Atlas jargon
Realizes she's been found out
Laughs mockingly at Cordovin
Gapes at what's emerging from the Atlas base
More than a bit frazzled by Cordovin's "warning shot"