(1) When Winter arrives, she doesn't have her sword.
(1) Now she has her sword
(1) Her sword is gone again
(2) The head lands near the lower edge of the Vale symbol.
(2) Now it's on Winter's side
(2) Now it's on the second axe of the Vale symbol.(3) The AK-200 from 4:46 disappears here.(4) Weiss is seen to his right even after he shoves her to his left.(5) Winter and the soldiers are seen standing inside the symbol.
(2)(7) The head completely disappears from the courtyard as well as the body which he threw to the side.(9) The lower left lamppost is transparent.
(2)(7) The head as well as the body reappear again...
(2)(7)...only to disappear again
(2)(7) And was never to be seen again
(3) The AK-200 standing on the right side disappears at 5:08.
(5) Winter and the four AK-200 units are seen standing outside of the symbol.
(5) They are seen outside of the symbol again.
(6) Qrow does not have Harbinger on him
(6) Harbinger appears out of nowhere
(8) Winter's sword disappears yet again, so she can do gymnastics.
(10) A black T-shaped figure appears on Winter's pelvic area.
(11) Winter is seen wielding both of her swords while her second sword is still inside the first one.
(11) The duplicate of the second sword disappears from the first sword.
(12)(13) There is a white female silhouette in the background as well as a small Nevermore summon on the ground.
(14) There is a white male silhouette in the distance.
(15) Qrow's bangs are down when supposed to be slicked back.
(16) Winter disappears in the split second when Ironwood asks Qrow as to why he was there.
(17) Part of the background is layered on top of the people between Winter and Ironwood.
(18) Ozpin is seen with his mug...
(18) ...which disappears because these three were doing their badass poses...;(22) Harbinger disappears again.
(18)...only to magically transport to his desk;(22) Winter's sword disappears for the last time.
(19) Winter is seen standing on the right side of Ozpin's desk...
(19) ...only to disappear here...
(19) ...and to reappear again but this time, in between Qrow and Ironwood.
(20) Ironwood is seen on the right side of Ozpin's table.
(20) He is then seen in the middle of Ozpin's table.
(24) The AK-200 appears to be floating in the audience.