


As the original creator and master of the Creatures of Grimm, it can be assumed that the God of Darkness took extreme pride in his creations. He would regularly send them out to destroy his brother's creations until the two finally made a truce. Even following this truce, the God would continue to create more and more Grimm in secret, proving his fondness towards them.

After Humanity was created, the God of Darkness choose to settle down in the Land of Darkness and live among the Grimm in solitude. When Salem came to ask him to resurrect Ozma for her, a group of Beowolves can be seen peacefully living in the God of Darkness' main chamber, showing that he does care for them greatly and treats them like his pets.

Later, after wiping out all of Humanity on the planet aside from Salem, he notably left his own creations alive.


The God of Darkness along with his brother created the world that would be known as Remnant as well as Humanity. The two used to love and value them, until Salem manipulated and turned them against the Gods. He was disappointed that they used his gift of magic against him and his brother. Because of this, the God of Darkness ultimately decided to destroy Humanity for betraying him.

As implied by his argument with his brother and him having initially granted Salem's request, it is shown that the God of Darkness was jealous of Humanity's positive view of his brother and wanted the same genuine faith they give him.

According to the fairytale, the God of Darkness saw Humanity as mere playthings but had an interest in their limits and admired their adaptability.

Ever After[]

Prior to Remnant, the God of Darkness and his brother originated from the Great Tree located in the Ever After, which was an alternate realm. They used their powers to shape the realm, creating creatures known as Afterans as well as different acres to suit their purpose. Eventually, he and his brother outgrew their role in maintaining the realm and created the Curious Cat and Jabberwalker to replace them, before leaving to a "greater beyond".


God of Light[]

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Both Gods in a heated argument.

The God of Darkness is the younger brother of the God of Light. He appears to be hostile towards him and his ideas about life but does show loyalty and caring towards his older sibling. When his brother told him the truth about Salem, he put his pride aside and apologized for his actions by destroying the resurrected Ozma. He also came to his side when Salem's rebellion invaded the Domain of Light.

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The Brother agreeing to continue working together despite their differences

As shown in “Of Solitude and Self”, the Brothers have always been close despite their differences. Even after clashing in regard to the fate of the Jabberwalker, when leaving the Ever After, the two went together rather than go their separate ways and continue to work together as they created various new worlds.


Curious Cat[]

The Curious Cat was created by the God of Light and his brother during the early days of the Ever After. As shown in “Of Solitude and Self”, the Cat was made in order for them to take over their role in maintaining the realm and find the “broken” pieces of the realm and fixing them.

However, when the Brothers left the Ever After to begin creating their own worlds, the Cat developed strong resentment towards the two and desired to leave the realm, find them and demand an answer on why they abandoned them.


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The Brother’s fighting over the Jabberwalker

Following their creation of the Curious Cat, the God of Darkness and his brother created the Jabberwalker to "finish" what the cat started. However, it was both brutal and efficient, and eventually was destroyed by the God of Light for disrupting what he believed was the balance of the Ever After. Not agreeing with his brother and believing that the Jabberwalker was simply fulfilling its purpose as made by them, it was brought back by the God of Darkness, leading to them fighting over its fate.

When the two left the Ever After, they allowed the Jabberwalker to continue living and doing its job.

Due to the similarities the Grimm have with the Jabberwalker in nature, purpose, and appearance, as well as the God of Darkness’ fondness for the creature, it's possible that the Jabberwalker is the precursor to the Grimm and that the God of Darkness based the Grimm on the Jabberwalker when he created them.



At first, the God of Darkness was surprised but very pleased, that she had chosen to come to him instead of his brother unlike the rest of Humanity and eagerly granted her wish to revive her deceased lover. After his brother told him the truth about Salem, however, he felt rejected and betrayed that she had asked his brother first instead of him. The God of Darkness along with his brother cursed Salem for her selfish and demanding nature in her attempts to revive Ozma.

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