

Ever After[]

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The Brothers emerge from the Tree

Before the creation of Remnant, the God of Darkness and his brother, the God of Light emerged from the Great Tree located in the Ever After, an alternate realm. Using their powers, they shaped the realm, creating a race to inhabit it known as the Afterans, as well as various, radically different “Acres”, specific to their purpose.

Eventually, the Brothers outgrew their role in maintaining the realm, and decided to create beings that would replace them, that being the Curious Cat and the Jabberwalker.

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The Gods arguing over the fate of the Jabberwalker

However, the God of Darkness would fall into a argument with his brother that would spark their eventual rivalry in regards to the Jabberwalker. The Jabberwalker was shown to have both been brutal and efficient in its given role to “end what the Cat started”, something that caused the God of Light to become displeased with it and destroy it, as he believed that it was disrupting the balance. The God of Darkness, not agreeing with his brother and believing that it was simply staying true to its purpose and should not be condemned for its mistakes, revived it. Causing the two to fight over its fate.

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The Gods leaving the realm to a “greater beyond”

After this, the two would leave the Ever After via a door at the base of the Great Tree leading to a "greater beyond", and begin creating various new worlds.

Episodes Covering These Events


The God of Darkness created the world that would become Remnant with his older brother using the ideals of creation, destruction, choice, and knowledge as the foundation. He also created the Creatures of Grimm, to serve as his ultimate agents of destruction.

One day, after being turned down by his brother, a Human named Salem came to him in the Land of Darkness to request his aid in resurrecting her beloved, Ozma. Intrigued and satisfied to finally have what he thought was a follower of his own, he granted Salem's request and resurrected Ozma. However, the God of Light promptly arrived and accused his brother of violating the rules they set up together.

Angered by this intrusion, the God of Darkness accused his brother of trying to control him. However, before a fight could break out, the God of Light informed his brother that Salem only came to him because he had first denied her request. After apologizing, the God of Darkness promptly killed Ozma himself. After the God of Light transports Salem to his domain, the God of Darkness stands beside him as they explain their punishment for Salem by cursing her with immortality.

Sometime later, when Salem returns to the Domain of Light with an army, the God of Darkness comes to his brother's aide, and when the Humans use their magic against him, he easily negates their attacks and harnesses them for his own. Annoyed by them using his own gift to them against him, the God of Darkness, with a single motion, casts a planet-wide spell that wipes out the entirety of Humanity.

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The God of Darkness shatters the Moon

After Salem reforms, he looms over her, informing her that he destroyed all of Humanity in that act to her horror. After his brother leaves, the God of Darkness coldly notes Salem still making demands of them, before flying up off the planet's surface, crashing through the moon in the process before vanishing.

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Minor Characters