A wave of light blasts out in front of me.

Flash is the Semblance of Asher Mora, it allows him to produce a bright light from his hands.


Flash allows Asher to release a bright light from his body that blinds others within the vicinity and damages Grimm. He is able to use it to cause his hands to Glow, serving as a flashlight, and Pulse to cover the area in light.


Earlier on in his life, Asher used Pulse during a bar fight at The Skillful due to a deal done wrong. This is later depicted during his flashback in "He's not Tacco, he's GiveO".

Asher uses Pulse in “Action Time!” to fight the Lancers on the bridge to Kuchinashi, though he blinds his allies in the process.

In “Razing The Stakes”, Asher casts a Glow to illuminate the control room when they find that it is too dark for them to see anything.

Asher uses Glow in “Sewer Sanctuary!” to illuminate an alley. This allows him to see the face of The Taskmaster, who had been hiding in the shadows.

Asher uses a Pulse in "Evident Evidence" to blind a pair of guards inside the Wave-controlled Kuchinashi sherriff's office, allowing him and Arrastra to successfully get inside the evidence room.

Asher uses Pulse in "Hana't Today!" in order to blind Vermillion Raddock, although it only briefly stuns him.

Asher later used his Pulse in "When Life Gives You Lemons" to blind some members of the Wave gang, but was mostly unsuccessful with it only affecting one of them.


  • This Semblance is comparable to Silver Eyes, but with a few key differences:
    • Flash can be used at any time, while Silver Eyes can only be used in the presence of Grimm.
    • Flash can be used to illuminate an area, while Silver Eyes can only be used to defeat Grimm.
    • Silver Eyes are shown to be significantly stronger than Flash, being able to petrify and damage Grimm as strong as the Leviathan.