

Participants Episode(s) Result
White Fang vs. Belladonna Household

"Alone Together"
"A Perfect Storm"
"True Colors"



In Menagerie[]

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Fennec and Corsac at the Belladonna doorstep

Fennec Albain first appeared with his brother Corsac Albain at Blake Belladonna's home on the continent of Menagerie. They arrived for a meeting with Blake's father Ghira Belladonna as White Fang representatives. Their presence visibly displeased Blake and Sun Wukong, who revealed the White Fang's presence at the Fall of Beacon Academy. Fennec and Corsac defended the organization from Adam Taurus' involvement and offered to give Ghira documents suggesting how to "apprehend and punish these strays", but he refused and later shut the front door on them. While departing from the large home, Fennec and Corsac planned to tell Adam of Blake's return.

Later, Ilia Amitola, a close White Fang member, met with them on a rooftop at night and knelt before them.

As Ghira went public about Adam Taurus' involvement at the fall of Beacon and his plans to usurp the White Fang and attack Haven Academy, Ilia disrupted his attempt and escaped. The brothers looked at each other in approval.


Fennec and Corsac ordered Ilia to attack the Belladonna family.

Sometime after, Fennec and Corsac received a message from Adam about his success in taking over the White Fang. He instructed the brothers to have Ghira and Kali Belladonna killed and Blake brought to him alive. Fennec questioned if Adam is the right person to lead the organization. When Ilia arrived, the brothers tasked her and others with capturing Blake and killing her family.

Corsac and Fennec personally led the White Fang during the attack on the Belladonna Household. Finding Ghira, the brothers prepared to fight to depose the chieftain permanently. The brothers nearly defeated Ghira until he was rescued by Blake and Sun, with the former trapping their weapons in an ice Shadow clone. After breaking free, Corsac and Fennec prepared to fight Ghira and Sun while Blake left to find Kali. The brothers' fight against Ghira eventually led them into the room where Blake and Ilia were fighting, and Corsac became incapacitated in the process.


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Fennec makes a fatal mistake before his death

Eventually, the fight is taken to an open room that was set ablaze. Despite Fennec stabbing Ghira in the back, the brothers are knocked out by Ghira. Getting up, Fennec took Corsac's weapon and charged at Ghira, who was keeping a large portion of a collapsed balcony from crushing Ilia. Ghira struggled under the heavy weight, and Blake pulled him out of the way, causing Fennec to fall under the falling balcony instead and get crushed by it. The Dust in his weapons then exploded from the impact, killing him.

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