"A Nightmare Comes", with the subtitle "Nightmare", is the third episode of the anime RWBY: Ice Queendom. It premiered on YouTube, Crunchyroll and the Rooster Teeth website on June 24th, 2022 and officially released on Japanese TV networks on July 17th, 2022. The English dub released on October 9th, 2022 on the Rooster Teeth website.
This episode recounts and expands upon the events presented in the second half of Volume 1, and begins the original plot of the series involving the Nightmare.
Team RWBY had just finished decorating their new dormitories. Weiss adds that Ruby was always so excited for everything.
In class, Peter Port is teaching Team RWBY about the Grimm. Ruby Rose is dozing off while Weiss Schnee actively takes down notes. Everyone starts buzzing about the Boarbatusk revealed in a cage, but Weiss confidently volunteers to fight the scary creature. Ruby cheers and advises her to aim for its belly. However, Weiss just shuts her off on both occasions. She launches the Boarbatusk tumbling, stabbing it in its stomach. Weiss is still annoyed when Ruby congratulates her.
Weiss is seen outside alone, telling Ruby she did nothing as a team leader. Blake Belladonna advises Yang Xiao Long to leave it when Ruby goes after Weiss. Finding no sight of her, Ozpin approaches Ruby at the school fountain after she laments about not being a good team leader and being kicked from Beacon soon enough. He tells Ruby his choice of selecting her was not a mistake, and advises her to think about her responsibilities as a leader. Meanwhile, Weiss is annoyed when Peter Port feedbacks that she had a bad attitude despite her extraordinary combat skills.
Jaune Arc is engaging in a duel with Cardin Winchester, being cheered by his team and Ruby herself. However, Ruby nervously turns over, afraid that her loudness was annoying Weiss. The battle is cut short by Glynda Goodwitch when Jaune's Aura had been greatly weakened. At night, Pyrrha holds Jaune's hand as he glows white - his Semblance would awaken once is Aura grows stronger. However, the vine-like mark on his body grows bigger. Weiss is astonished at how Jaune even enrolled without any Aura knowledge and became team leader. Thinking she could score points by supporting her leader, she offers Ruby a cup of coffee during bedtime. She pretends telling Ruby that she would be a good leader, and decides to sleep on her bunkbed. A similar vine-like mark lingers on Weiss' neck.
In Jaune's dream, he is almost deceived into thinking his Semblance had been unlocked. Turning around, another Jaune taunts him as vines wrap him around. In the morning, Ren tries waking him up, and Pyrrha sensed something was wrong with his Aura. There were vine markings all over Jaune's back and he struggles to open his eyes. Shion Zaiden comes in, saying they needed to start operations. They sew a web and a blindfold for Jaune, introducing everyone to the special Nightmare Grimm. Pyrrha volunteers to help Jaune and four knitted Team JNPR dolls descend above, showing they had all entered his dream. Inside, Jaune's weapons are taunting him for being an unknowledgeable coward. He is transformed into a miniature, weeping boy with animal-like features. Suddenly, an opening is formed and his teammates emerge.
Through a call, Shion tells the team that they needed to fight to free their leader. They remarked that Team JNPR's care for each other was what made them a good team. Pyrrha gives the vines a final pierce, as the three members float towards their leader. The vine markings on Jaune's back fade and a Nightmare leaps out, which Shion captures and locks inside a jar. Blake and Ruby peek inside, Shion telling the group that not all Grimm were shaped like beasts. The rest of Team JNPR chuckles when a flabbergasted Jaune finally wakes up. Shion adds that his Aura was still underdeveloped, telling Glynda to warn the group to stay vigilant as Nightmares could still be lurking around.
In the hallway, Team RWBY thinks Weiss would never be possessed by a Nightmare. She proposes for a day out and the next day, the team goes to the Vytal Festival celebration in town. Ruby asks some investigation officers what happened at the Dust Shop, with broken windows and barrier tapes all over, and Weiss remarks about the White Fang when the officer replied the break-in was probably from them. However, Blake is defensive and says the White Fang was just misguided, and only a small portion of it were terrorists. Ruby agrees to Blake's point that the robbery might not have been from the Faunus, recounting that the Dust Robbery she saw was done by humans.
Suddenly, there is a yell from someone to stop the Faunus Sun Wukong. The port officers are stomped on by Sun's leaping, and he hangs onto a lampost. He runs, giving Blake a gaze and a wink. She gasps, but the port officers continue chasing after him. Weiss gladly volunteers to go after him, so as to prove how bad the Faunus were. The rest of the team runs after Weiss, though Blake stands there for a while looking saddened. Weiss bumps into Penny Polendina. Yang asks the robotic-looking girl if she was fine, and she replies cheerfully with a smile, dynamically raising her legs and flipping to stand up. She introduces herself, and Ruby says, "Very nice to meet you, friend." Penny walks closely towards Ruby until she bends backwards, asking if she just called her a friend. She happily cheers about having made a friend from coming to Vale.
The group has to continue chasing the stowaway Faunus Sun Wukong. Weiss insists on chasing him, fearing he would join the White Fang if he was unapprehended. Blake disagrees and calls her ignorant and prejudiced, openly telling her that she treated all Faunus like criminals. However, when Weiss argues the White Fang was an organisation of pure evil, Blake said there was no such thing as that, accusing people like her for driving the White Fang into evil. Ruby's attempt to break the fight fails when Weiss gives her a stare, pointing out the grief of those whose loved ones were killed by the White Fang. Blake argues that maybe the Faunus were just tired of being pushed around. Weiss is startled, but Blake retreats to a rooftop ledge. Sun tells her that she did look better without wearing a bow.
Weiss just suggests on letting Blake be, but Yang reminds her that she was still part of the team after all. Ruby decides to go look for Blake at the warehouse, and Yang says that Weiss was just bigoted. Though she agreed that she went too far, Weiss was unable to let go of her prejudice against the White Fang. As the two go and look for Blake, a shadowy version of Weiss peeks behind a corner.
At a cafe table, Sun is shocked to hear that Blake was previously part of the White Fang, calling them creeps who used force to get what they desire. He said that the White Fang's aggression was nothing like her. Blake says the White Fang was initially a harmonious organisation, but she left after they changed. He asks if she had already told her friends and what she was up to next. When Blake mentions the robbery of the Dust Shop, Sun tells her that the Schnee Dust Company was there to replenish the stolen Dust.
Tired, Ruby laments, unable to find her teammate. She startles when she finds Penny sitting right beside her, and asks how she knew Blake was a Faunus. Penny replies it was from Blake's cat ears, but Ruby does not know she covered them with a bow.
In an alley, Yang berates Weiss for her ignorance and her pretending to be nice towards Ruby. Weiss angrily turns around, saying she didn't know what to do, complaining that she got onto a team with a Faunus instead of Pyrrha's. Weiss cries, loudly. Evening comes, and Blake and Sun are hiding behind a cargo box. They spot an airship coming, with Roman walking out and instructing several White Fang members to take the cargo. Blake whips out her weapon and jumps down to fight. Ruby and Penny hear a gunshot, but Weiss is still stubbornly sitting on a staircase with Yang trying to convince her.
The airship flees. Having finished the battle, Penny walks forward from the fire, blasting into the sky and landing in front of Ruby, Blake and Sun. Weiss and Yang look at the flames and wonder what happened, but Yang finally finds Ruby and Blake. Yang is surprised when Ruby tries telling Weiss that Blake was no longer part of the White Fang and actually had cat ears under her bow. Blake tells her the former, but Weiss says she no longer wanted to her about the White Fang, instead she wanted to think of other things. Smiling, she tells Blake, to confide in her teammates instead of a random stranger. Blake looks at Sun, and Ruby and Yang smile. She sheds a few tears, wiping them. Ruby cheers that Team RWBY was finally back together.
Back in her dorm, Weiss tells herself that she wasn't always lying about wanting a bunkbed. Just then, a stern voice taunts her, saying that it just took all her strength to not care about her dreams. She turns around to a mirror image of herself, which bows down. Weiss is trapped in a barrage of vines.
Changes from the Show[]
Difference between the show and anime[]
- Team RWBY redid their room off-screen.
- The Achieve Men poster seen in Team RWBY room has been removed completely.
- Yang is shown wearing her fingerless gloves with her school uniform in the anime. Unlike in the show, Yang does not wear her gloves.
- Blake is shown wearing her ribbons around her hands with her school uniform in the anime, unlike in the show, Blake does not wear them.
- Team RWBY and Team JNPR running to their first day of class is cut.
- Ruby was not goofing off during Port’s lecture.
- Weiss does not drop her weapon when she was fighting against the Boarbatusk.
- Ruby and Jaune’s team cheering Jaune on against Cardin did not occur in the show.
- Cardin appears in this episode, but he doesn’t speak at all.
- Glynda does not mention the upcoming Vytal Festival.
- Pyrrha unlocks Jaune’s Aura at Beacon Academy instead of Emerald Forest.
- When Pyrrha was about to unlock Jaune’s Aura, Pyrrha’s Aura is white instead of red.
- In the anime, Team JNPR manages to sleep in their rooms. It is split into two sides that separate the men's and women’ sides unlike the show.
- When Sun was hanging upside down, his bangs and necklaces are hanging upside down. In the show, Sun’s bangs and necklaces remain the same when he was hanging upside down.
- Sun is being chased by two sailors instead of the two Detectives.
- Weiss does not ask Penny the whereabouts of Sun.
- Penny does not informs Team RWBY that she is participate in upcoming Vytal Festival Tournament.
- Penny does not say one of her famous catchphrases, “I’m combat ready!”.
- Weiss talking about her past and childhood is cut. Instead, she mentions how many funerals of loved ones murdered by the White Fang.
- Blake accidentally reveals her Faunus status to her team in Vale instead of Beacon Academy.
- Ruby storms off to look for Blake alone instead of Weiss and Yang ditching her to avoid Penny.
- Blake takes off her ribbon offscreen and meets with Sun on the rooftop instead of Beacon Academy.
- Blake's past as a child is cut.
- Penny only reveals to Ruby about Blake being a Faunus instead of revealing to her, Weiss, and Yang in "Black and White".
- The White Fang Goons wears their Volume 2's outfit instead of Volume 1.
- Blake and Sun’s fight against Roman is cut.
- Penny defeats Roman and the White Fang off screen.
- After Roman and the White Fang fled, Penny is briefly seen using her thrusters on her shoes instead of using her weapons as thrusters. It also foreshadows her as a robot.
- Weiss criticizing Sun that she still does not trust him is cut.
- Penny does not walk off quietly and return to the driver.
- Ozpin receiving a message from Qrow is cut.
- Cinder's Faction appearing to Roman in abandoned warehouse was cut.
- Weiss appears to be very different from her main counterpart.
- Weiss misconstrues Port's advice to be a better teammate, believing she'll get automatic teammate points for "fixing" her leader's flaws. In the show, Weiss took Port's advice to be nicer to Ruby and her team.
- Weiss is very prejudiced against Faunus instead of just distrusting them. She was not happy to have a Faunus as her teammate and started crying about it after she found out.
Original scenes[]
- Jaune gets infected by Nightmare Grimm offscreen.
- For the first half of the episodes, Weiss has been fixated on Pyrrha instead of cheering on Jaune against Cardin.
- Weiss spies on Pyrrha and Jaune at night and thinks that it was strange that someone like Jaune who doesn't even know that much about Aura became a student at Beacon. This also references how Jaune only became a student by faking his transcripts.
- In Jaune’s nightmare, as Jaune was briefly replaced with his negative counterpart who took appearance of his child self with a rabbit’s ears and tail, he cries out for his older sister. It is unknown who was the one Jaune was calling for, though it implies it was Saphron.
- Confirmed in the English dubbed version.
- Jaune's team has to enter his dreams and save him from the Nightmare.
- Ruby asks one of the Detectives about the investigation on the Dust robberies.
- The Nightmare reveals itself to Weiss before putting her in a nightmare at the end of episode.
Continuity errors[]
- Most of the scenes, Jaune wears leather gloves with his Beacon uniform.
- After Jaune's match with Cardin is over, Pyrrha is seen wearing her left arm sleeve warmer. In the next scene where Pyrrha, Nora, and Ren enter Jaune's Dreamscape, she is seen her long sleeve arm again.
- Jaune's voodoo doll is shown wearing his pajamas but in the later scene, it was corrected with Jaune's doll wearing his original Beacon Arc attire.
- The Vale Vytal Festival posters are for the "42nd" festival instead of the "40th".
English Dub dialogues changes[]
- In the original English subtitles, Negative Jaune calls out one of his sisters to save him (due to Japanese culture, the younger sibling always call their older siblings either big brother or sister instead of calling them by their first name). In the English dubbed, Negative Jaune calls out for Saphron that he is scared and begged her to save him.
- In the English dubbed version, Roman’s last line was changed from “Kids keep getting weirder.” to “Damn, what is that thing?” (The “thing” part Roman was referring to was Penny)
- The end card for the episode was made by Hiroyuki Asada, the creator of Tegami Bachi.
See Also[]
- Battle Pages - The Badge and The Burden, Pt.2
- Battle Pages - Jaunedice
- Battle Pages - A Nightmare Comes
Image Gallery[]
- Main article: A Nightmare Comes/Image Gallery
RWBY: Ice Queendom | ||